How to participate in CAGI challenges?

Participation in CAGI6 and beyond requires you to have a CAGI account and a Synapse account. Your CAGI registration will link the two. Due to data restriction policies, you must request participation in each challenge separately (once you have both a Synapse ID and are registered for CAGI). In addition, you may participate individually or form a prediction team for each challenge. Each team can submit predictions for up to six different models, with model 1 being considered your primary model.

The process is simple. Please follow the steps below.

1. Go to the Synapse website to obtain Synapse username

Synapse usernames from all participants in a CAGI challenge will be visible to other participants admitted to the challenge (all are CAGI registered participants). If you would like to remain anonymous to others on the Synapse platform, please pick a non-identifying Synapse username.

2. Go to the CAGI registration website to register for CAGI

You will need to provide your Synapse username during CAGI registration (the field itself is not required, but you will not be admitted to download the data from Synapse or submit the predictions unless the CAGI organizers are able to link your Synapse ID with your CAGI account). You will also be asked to accept our Data Use Agreement (read it carefully!) and fill out an optional demographics form (we need it for the grant reporting purposes).

3. Request participation in a CAGI challenge on Synapse

Depending on the sensitivity of a challenge dataset, you may receive emails from the CAGI organizers requesting further information for the purposes of validating your request. It might take 24 hours or longer before you are admitted to a challenge. 

4. Go to the CAGI challenge on Synapse to download data and submit predictions

You can find the link to a relevant Synapse page on the challenge description page from the CAGI web site. Note that some variant datasets are public and you can download them directly from the CAGI web site. However, you cannot submit predictions unless you have Synapse ID.

5. Miscellaneous

If you apply for a challenge through Synapse and we are unable to link your Synapse ID with your CAGI account, we will and can only write to your Synapse email. Make sure that you read those messages and check your Spam folder if concerned about feedback. You can also contact us directly at [email protected].

Last updated: July 22, 2022